Sunday, November 22, 2009

braucht übrigens irgendwer google wave invites? ich hätt ein paar über.....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Well said:, dem ist wenig hinzuzufügen, außer vielleicht: "Weg auch mit den Börsespielen welche z.T. an Schulen(!) propagiert werden"

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hab' ich schon 'mal erwähnt, dass ich den Hype um Facebook nicht recht verstehe? :-) & co bieten nette Essays zu dem Thema.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Leider hat Irland solange abgestimmt, bis den Politikern das Ergebnis passt. enthält eine verständliche Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Kritikpunkte am Lissabon-Vertrag.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ich sympathisiere nicht konkret mit den betroffenen Tierschützern und deren Anliegen, aber ich teile die Besorgnis, daß  §278a StGB zu politischen Zwecken mißbraucht werden kann.

Wehren den Anfängen!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bin gerade fasziniert von
Wie konnten mir diese Produktivitäts-/Komfort-Booster bisher bloß entgehen?
PS: das wär' jetzt zweifellos ein Twitter-fähiger Beitrag :).

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dass ich das noch erleben darf: Katja Günther muß Schadensersatz zahlen. Es gibt doch noch Gerechtigkeit auf diesem Planeten.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Was mich wirklich ärgert: Berufskraftfahrer die während der Fahrt telefonieren.

Wenn man schon (theoretische) 40h die Woche hinter'm Steuer sitzt sollte man sich doch eine Freisprecheinrichtung leisten anstatt den 30 Tonner 1-händig durch die Gegend zu kurven.

Sowas wird nur noch getoppt von (Schul-)Busfahrern die während der Fahrt telefonieren.

PS: wär' das jetzt ein Twitter-würdiger Beitrag gewesen?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Quiz: does anybody know the origin of this poster? I found it months ago somewhere and don't remember where & how. It makes fun out of the "xxxx for dummies" series of books and the fact that a dove is reading it.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Those who know me :-) are aware that keeps me from frequently posting to this blog.
I find it amazing how well my ancient Palm Treo 680 performs as a productivity machine! I'm following the IPhone / Android / Palm Pre hype, but i still have no real reason to upgrade! Palm OS still does everything i need to manage daily life (which got more complicated because of ... see above):
- "Calendar" helps me to keep track of appointment, dates, schedules (i'm using Datebook3)
- "Todo" tracks all those little things that are required to make our dream(house) become reality. I'm following some GettingThingsDone principles, but not too tight.
- "Contacts" grew a alot during the last months: nearly every plumber, electrician, ... in the area is in now :-)
- "Memo" and "Voice Memo" allow me to make notes instantly, even when there's no time/space to write, critical for not loosing thoughts.
- the really outdated "Camera" still allows me to make snapshots for documentary purposes
- everything syncs fine to my Win XP PC for archiving or further processing
The only thing i'm missing is sketching - but i doubt that iPhone/Android/PalmPre rock in that are.
Comments welcome.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Blogger, LinkedIn, Xing, Facebook, Twitter - can someone pls. tell me where this all leads? As a always curious person i try out everything, but only few of these services offer real benefit. ok, some ppl. tell me i should just stay away if i don't love it, but i'd like to understand ...

My biggest problem is always the amount of data i'm willing to submit: my virtual, internet-based "social network" is too varying (so is my real-life-network too).
I don't share the same amount of details with all of them. With some of them i stay more on the surface, but i'm sharing deep(er) thoughts with some of them. So i'm uncomfortable submitting very personal stmts because they can and will be read by ex-workmates etc. which i only track loosely. And only submitting silly messages would give me the feeling i'm painting a silly picture of myself.

For me, the internet fails in that area.

Any comments?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm following for a pretty long time and i already thought several times about sharing this with my readers, but made it happen :-).
GRS, as it's called in "the community" is a brilliant blog about personal finance where nearly every single posting is worth reading (as long as you're interested in the topic).

The only blog i know about that's nearly as great is TSD -

It might happen, that personal-finance-posts show up on my blog too in the future, but i'm in doubt that i can write anything that hasn't been already been covered by theese two blogs.

Shameless self-promotion: on i sell used stuff (mainly electronics & agricultural equipment(!).

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Proud to announce - my personal, virtual flee market.

I'm aware that i won't be able to beat Ebay, but this site is mainly intended to act as a central point for putting detail information and photos online. The items listed might/will also appear on Ebay or e.g. (recommendations for other opportunities highly welcome!).

At the beginning i will list electronic gadgets and farming equipment (!) as these are my areas of interest ;-).

br Woecki